Ramadan Reflections, Day 11: Following your Calling

If there was ever a time in our generation to fundamentally reassess how we live our lives, this would be it. In the past two years, the universal upheaval in our daily routines and radical 180 degree changes in working patterns caused by the global pandemic have prompted a not insignificant self-searching about what it … Continue reading Ramadan Reflections, Day 11: Following your Calling

Ramadan Reflections, Day 10: Walls and the Universe

I am alive. Alive. I wake up in the morning and want to get out of bed. The day doesn’t seem threatening; it’s a space I want to be in. Ramadan is acting as an anti-inflammatory and de-risking my day. I feel like I am in a recovery home, a retreat, where slowly I am … Continue reading Ramadan Reflections, Day 10: Walls and the Universe